Saturday, August 17, 2013

Surprise Deal of Legoland From Groupon!

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Wow!! It's a superb great deals from Groupon!

I was surprised by the deal when I check on my mail box early in the morning. This wouldn't be my usual response when browse through those deals notification on my mail. 

It is superbly low price for the ticket as the original ticket itself might cause for RM140 for adult and RM110 for child.

That's the reason why it makes my retina expanded bigger early in the morning when I looked at the mail. Even in a half conscious due to sleepiness condition, I don't even make any second thought to planned for the holiday for the ticket and the first thing glance to my mind was PURCHASE it! However, the sad thing is when I further scrolled down my mail and wanted to click on BUY button, it's written SOLD OUT!

Anyhow, that was not the right time for me to purchase the ticket maybe. I even saw some comments on Facebook from my peers saying that the ticket was sold out within an hour of the deal being post?

This is really gonna be a superbly great deal if the ticket is cost at RM10! When crapping around with the peers about this deal, some of us do have various doubts on the superbly cheap deal.

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doubt is this the nature of all human being? When there is some deals cost at a very high price, then we will yell on it. While when it cost at a too low price, we have various doubt on it. Human being is kinda weirdo sometimes.

So have you visited the Legoland? It is actually a beautiful place to spend your weekend or holidays with your loved one and family. It's a place which I wanted to visit for the second time! But waiting for the suitable time or perhaps if there are such great promotions for me to grab again in the future.

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