Monday, August 19, 2013

Safe Driving On The Road During Heavy Rain.

Rainy Day
Figure 1.0

Driving out early in the morning and expecting it could be a cooling weather, but it end up to be a heavy rainy day. The weather was overcast in condition.

Driving in such heavy rain weather is quite challenging as it causes the difficulty of visibility. When driving beyond the visibility, it becomes even more treacherous.

During the rainy conditions, sometimes it is hard to avoid the puddles of certain depth and it is extremely hard to spot the pedestrians or wildlife on the road.

It is always important to slow down the speed and reduce acceleration, especially when the speed of the car goes up to the speed of 100 km/hour and hitting on the surface of water, the car might be lost control sometimes. Speeding in heavy rains can create disastrous situation. Thus, reducing the driving speed doesn't means that you must drive at a snail's pace, but given that speed limits are determined based on optimal conditions. 

Always remember to turn on the headlight when driving in such hazardous situation, so that other driver could notice your car in such a poor visibility. A good road observational skill is important when driving in heavy rain weather. 

When driving in a rainy day, always bear in mind that nothing is more urgent than you and your passenger's safety as well (if any). 

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