Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Durian Fever.

Figure 1.0

First of all, the “Durian Fever” which I mentioned here is not referring to having fever after eating durian. Please don’t get me wrong or confused with the words.

Durian is one of the tasty fruits and it earned the name of the “King of Fruits” for its tastiness. For those who likes durian would probably say that the taste of durian is heavenly good.

Asian countries are famous with durians and I’m not pretty sure whether it is the place of birth of durians as well. The reason being is due to the nature tropical climates in Asia and with the moist of the climates, it suits perfectly for the growth of the durian.

Not surprisingly with the price of the durian sell in certain outlets or markets with a pricy value. The reason being is because it is a seasonal fruits and also due to the short duration of tasty ripeness of the fruit.

For those who dislike durians would probably say that the stench scent of the durian is terrible, while for durian lovers like me would rather say it smells heavenly good.

The durian flesh is taken out from the husk and kept in a container to be carry home, instead of carrying the original durian with the thorny husk along. The reason being is because it is strictly prohibited in the MRT. Therefore, we have no choice to package it in a container to be carried home. A joke on the rules implementation of the durian restriction on the public transport is that the thorny durian husk could hurt people around you. Perhaps, it could be misused as a weapon to hurt others. Therefore, you could probably see the sign board with the drawing of the durian restriction at most of the public areas due to the danger of the heavy and thorny shell.

I personally prefer the durian to be taken in the original form, where it is consumed in a freshly open from its shell. The feeling of consuming in such natural and cultural way is absolutely great and unique. Furthermore, filling up the quarter portion of the durian shell with salt water and drinking a few gulp of it could help to cool the internal heat in the body. Durian generate internal heat and with excessive consumption, it makes our body to be heaty. Therefore, drink more water after taking durian, else you might fall sick easily.

Morn Thong
 Figure 2.0

Basically, there are two different unique taste of durian, which is either sweet or bitter type. The sweet durian is a bit similar taste like the crème brulee. Whereas, for the bitter type, it will be the more bitter the taste, the better it is.

If you would like to try the taste of durian, yet you worry that you might not be able to stand with the smell, I would rather suggests you to start your first bite of durian from a durian ice cream. You would probably got addicted to the durian fruit just like me one day.

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