Monday, August 26, 2013

A Leaf Mimics Leaf Bug.

Leaf insect
Figure 1.0

Could you able to discover something different on the tree? It is actually the leaf insect! When I first look at the tree, I could not see anything special, as it is only a normal tree with leaves for me. Only until my friends told me that actually there is a big size insect on the branch of the tree. I even insist to argue that it is not an insect and it is just a leaf hanging on the branch, until I took a closer look at it. I was amazed that how can an insect that look exactly like a leaf and it size like a normal leaf as well. 

The scientific name for the leaf insects is Phylliidae. The leaf insect is also often known as walking leaves, since it mimics exactly like a leaf.

We even joke with it saying that, if you turn over a leaf on the floor, it may not be a leaf. It can even be a magic that makes you mesmerized and amaze, where you see the miracle leaf walking by itself, if you don’t know it was a live insect. 

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