Sunday, May 11, 2014

Ginger Candy from Macau.

#Ginger #Candy from #Macau, #Jahe
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Ginger candy, also known as "姜糖" in Chinese, which bought from Macau. Ginger, by its nature, is considered a warming and spicy flavored herb that can be used against various illness caused by cold. I like ginger very much since I was small as my family often include ginger in most of the dishes cooked.

This brand of ginger candy is the hard as rock type candy, instead of like those usual chewy or gummy types. So you won't find it stick on your teeth. The candy is neither too sweet nor too spicy. It just fit the balance taste of sweetness and spiciness.

The candy is potent and less spicy. I have read from an article once that the taste of ginger candy is usually made accordingly with the season. The taste is adjusted to suit with the season, where during winter the candy is made with a spicier taste to help to warm up the body, while during summer it is made sweeter.

Ginger candy is better known for its wide variety of health benefits. The most common benefits of ginger candy is it helps with digestion and soothe your tummy, and also useful as a natural breath freshener as well. That's the reason why ginger is often used as one of the ingredient for cooking meat as it helps to give a better smell to the dish by reducing or eliminating strong meats smell.

Usually I will bring along some ginger candies in my bag, in case for an emergency use. It is great for calming an upset tummy and I also found that it’s useful for soothing a sore throat. It has become the alternative of throat lozenges. Sometimes I will just pop in one of the candy in my mouth after taking my meal, especially after eating seafood because it helps to curb with bad breath. Since decades ago in ancient China, ginger was popularly used in traditional Chinese medicine for coping with food poisoning and nausea.

Furthermore, it is adopted in reducing the toxicity of other herbs, absorbing and neutralizing the toxins in the stomach.

There is one very famous brand of ginger candy, named Ting Ting Jahe Candy which originated from Indonesia due to its excellent quality of the products.

Some of the researchers suggest that ginger may aid in lowering cholesterol, preventing clogged arteries and killing cancer cells.

Ginger candy is in fact a great way to consume the goodness of ginger, especially for those who could not stand with the sharp smell of fresh ginger. Ginger has indeed amazing healing powers and it works wonder as treatment for girl’s sickness, from morning sickness to menstrual cramps.

Since ginger consists of various health benefits, even with the consumption of ginger candy, it is still a good amount of ginger to stay healthy. Try out on the scrumptious ginger candy if you have not taste any of it before!

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