Sunday, April 20, 2014

Self Decoration Ice-Cream!

Self decorate Ice-Cream
Figure 1.0

Had a great lunch buffet at Seoul Garden and of course after taking those heavy food, never forget to get an icecream as a desert. I'm not a great icecream decorator and it came out with a simple 3 scoops of icecream with some mixture toppings. Actually I was rushing to go off from the lunch, so end up not spending too much time on the decoration of the icecream. Anyway, it's just a happy snap shot to share with. Desert always makes a person happy.

Due to the hurry of time after having the grill and some steamboat food, I don't get the chance to make their ice kacang, where they provide various different topping ingredients. Shall make one DIY ice kacang for the next visit. Stay tune!

I had a story of ice cream about my friend. My friend went for a dating together with her husband and her husband suggested her to go out for an ice cream after having their movie. Her husband brought her to a very special desert shop selling varieties of ice cream, with the only intention of making his wife happy, as desert often makes a person happy. Then when come to make an order, after the wife chooses her favorite one and the husband did not order any of it and saying that he is not having any of it because he is still feeling full. They started in argument when the wife responded with a higher tone to her husband, "What?! You are not having any? And yet you brought me here? Are you trying to fatten me up so that I'm less appealing to other men?". The husband just keep quiet while the wife showing him a black face.

The husband's good intention has been totally misunderstood. Is ice cream that fattening? Yea, the sugar on the ice cream is fattening but with a little consumption of it once in a while wouldn't bring so much effect of fats. Although such situation happens once in a blue moon among relationship, but not to blame any of the ice cream desert as it is the great source of social and make people connects happily.

Sometime when you going on a family jaunt for ice cream on weekend could just be a great day!

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