Sunday, March 9, 2014

Finally Tried On "Lao Ban" Soya Milk!

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Lao Ban Soya Beancurd stall is famous for its soft, smooth and silky with jelly pudding looks Beancurd. I had tried both of their original and almond taste Beancurd. Although I had been dropping by their stall for countless times, but this is the first time I try their soy milk, since many recommended for their soy milk. At first I was in dilemma whether to buy the soy milk drink from Mr Bean or Lao Ban as both of them just nearby across the street. End up I tried this and will try on Mr Bean's one the next time.

It seems like the information provided by most of the articles about soy milk seems confusing. Some article said that soy milk is a great replacement of dairy milk for people with lactose intolerance or having milk allergy. From my own opinions, all this while I thought Soy milk should be a healthy and beneficial products as it came from bean, which is from plant, unlike cow's milk. However, some research, which most it are from the opponent of soy milk, dairy associations says that the chemical found in soy plants has some drawbacks.

For the beneficial of soy milk, it helps to reduce cholesterol and promote cardiovascular health. Some research even shows that regular intake of soy drink can improve blood circulation and keep us safe from strokes and heart attacks.

Minority of the people who having soy allergy has to be alert with soy milk consumption. This is because drinking soy milk can cause swelling, vomiting and diarrhea.

In addition, some research suggested that men should reduce the intake of soy drink, as it may inhibit male fertility with a decrease of sperm count. Although the finding seems argumentative but it's better not to take too much intake of soy drinks for the precautions.

The reason why such a natural soy with a good benefits to health becomes another harmful diet for human is because the problem starts with how the soy is produced. As nowadays, most of the soy beans are farmed in country with high technology advancement and is genetically modified for its massive production in order to support the high demand of soy around the world. The alteration of the gene in the soy itself from the biotechnology research to make it produce in a much shorter time to overcome the insufficient amount of soy demand. The chemical used in the herbicide and soy causes several side effects in long term consumption.

Therefore, always bear in mind that we have got the means to decide what we buy. Before purchasing, read the label and be even note weary if it's packaged with clever marketing. An organic products is always much more safe for consumption but of course there will be a difference on the price.

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