Saturday, March 1, 2014

Android KitKat on My Nexus 5!

New Nexus 5 Google Phone
Figure 1.0

My first new digital device of the year 2014, Nexus 5! It's going to be my new toy perhaps. LOL…

There are two choices of colour selections for Nexus 5, where it comes in black and white colours. I was in dilemma considering whether to choose black or white as both colours seems appealing. However, end up I choose black color as the white color would need probably a few days later as it is not available at the store I purchased. Anyway, it looks cool too.

Actually this is the first time I'm using Nexus phone by Google, and I actually just get to know that the numbering for the model represents it's size of the screen. For example, Nexus 5 is a 5" inch phone, Nexus 7 represents a 7" inch tablet device, and Nexus 10 is a 10" inch device.

Nexus Google Android KitKat
Figure 2.0

Guess what you seen above? Are you having the same thought of mine when you first seen the screen display? Yes! I was thinking of KitKat chocolate wrap. It is Android 4.4, KitKat platform! The display itself is cool!

Now I would say it's a new "snacks" of mine to explore and "taste" with. I read from Google page and it stated that it is the first phone with Android 4.4, KitKat.

Previously I do not have any deep impression or knowledge on Nexus phone for its performance, design, features, etc. because I was not a fan of Google earlier on as I'm using Apple iPhone device all the while. With a conventional wisdom, I often consider Android as more complex and easily customizable compare to my iPhone 5. When I first come to try on Nexus 5, it was pretty smooth with their performance and features as well.

Not that bad as what I think of it before this. Therefore, now I believe in what people often said, "Never judge or comment on something if you do not have any knowledge about it and you can only comment until you personally experience it". This is pretty true.

In addition, their touch screen performance is quite sensitive as well unlike what I experienced on other devices which are not that sensitive. I believe this is what most of us would like to have as we touched on the phone navigation most of the time.

One of the feature of Nexus 5 which I like the most is that it's Android 4.4 KitKat allows you to speak "Ok Google" to activate touch less screen. It detects your words and translates it into text to be search from the Google search queries. Not only that, the voice search feature also allows controlling almost all of the handling on the device. For example, you can speak to control and set the alarm on your phone, you can even speak a specific application to be downloaded on the phone and the device will just work smartly to search from the Play Store for you to download. This is really fantastic!

With this device along, I believe I can easily set my reminder, arrange my task and set my daily schedule easily by commanding the "Ok Google" features.

Nexus 5 comes with a reasonable price which cost much lower price compare to some other premium brands with higher resale value. Hence, this makes a mistakes to some people that it was a "budget" phone, but I would say it’s a budget phone with a premium features. From my opinion in purchasing a phone, I don't just weigh the device by its brand and price, I would compare with its features, specifications, and overall user experience as well, as this will be the facts review of the phone. Only with that we are able to have a clearer picture on whether which device is worth more to be purchased.

To make a fair statement, of course with the price itself it comes to the cost of the manufacturing device. As people often said, you pay for what you want. Hence, a smarter would probably review the device and decides what are the common or regular used features that the device would give to them and from there we can decide whether we need to pay the "extra price" for the features or hardware that we rarely use.

New phone Android KitKat 4.0 Nexus 5
Figure 3.0

like its camera functions because it auto focus in a split second one you move around the phone. It has a quick camera load on the apps when it is start. The speed of capturing is as fast as one short per two seconds. This makes more fun in handling of the camera. Professional photographer often captures moments with a quick speed and now you can be an expert photographer as well with your Nexus 5. It has 8megapixel for the back camera and 1.3megapixel for the front camera.

In the midst of exploring, I found their new features of more additional Emoji characters on text messaging. It gives more expressions of your feelings to you friends as sometimes words can't express how we feel.

I'm pretty impressed with one of the Android quote, “The platform is going to be taste as good as its confectionary look".
What a nice phrase!

There are much more to explore with as I am only a newbie to the phone. Will share more experiences of mine after I master the phone, hence at least give me some time to play around and taste my "snacks" first. Stay tune!

P/s: Do feel free to leave any comments if you have any experience to share with together. Thanks.

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