Sunday, July 4, 2010


Exposure to the sun does many negative things to the skin, such as cancer, premature lining and wrinkling, brown spots, not to mention dry texture and coarseness. Therefore, moderate your exposure to the sun. Not surprisingly, the days of the deep bronze tan are numbered.

    Here are some fool-proof tips for relishing the sun but escaping its wrath:

  • Avoid taking prescribed medications before sun exposure. It is likely for the adverse reaction to occur.

  • Apply sunscreen to the skin 15 - 30 minutes before going outside. In general, a non-greasy product is best.

  • Since the sun is most intense between 11am and 3pm, try to participate in outdoor events early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Don't expose to the sun for more than 25 minutes at a time.
    Afterwards, rinse your face with cool water, apply a moisturiser, then reapply your sunscreen if you're going back out into the sun.

Hope this tips might be helpful to you.


  1. it is helpful. thanks

    just become ur follower,, be mine too ;)

  2. last time when i was in my high school marching band, i always go under the sun.. look like charcoal all the time.. haha =P

  3. Nina: Thanks to be my follower =)
    I had just be your follower as well..keep in touch with our latest blogs =)

  4. Kenwooi: I believe many peoples experience that during their secondary and high school days as well..But when growing to certain ages, they tends to be more sensitive with their skin and start to concern about their skin's health =)

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