Monday, September 23, 2013

Jumbo Curry Puff.

#Jumbo #Curry #Puff
Figure 1.0

Having a quick breakfast with this delicious pastry.

Curry puffs are commonly found in a buffet style party and they are usually made in a smaller size. A Jumbo Curry Puff could definitely cause Cibophobia (known as a food phobia) to the guests, as the portion itself is too filling.

Curry puff is a famous Malay food and it is better known as “Karipap” in Malaysia. You might find the exactly same curry puff in Singapore as well, but the difference is the naming of the puff itself, where in Singapore, it is better known as “Epok-epok”.

#Epok-epok #Karipap
Figure 2.0

This Jumbo Curry Puff has single-layered skin and it is more doughy compare to another type of puff which is multi-layered with flaky skin.

The filling of this Jumbo curry puff is more on potatoes and there is no egg in the fillings compare with the usual curry puff with egg and yolk. The curry of this Jumbo puff is a bit milder, and it suits for those who prefer less spicy spice.

Anyway, just having one Jumbo Curry Puff is already more than enough for a full breakfast of the day. It is extremely full for me, as I took the puff together with a glass of milk.

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