Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mixed Fruit Candy from Thailand.

Mix Fruits Candies
Figure 1.0

A packet of mixed fruits candy which I bought from one of the convenience store in Thailand. Something that is nice to chew when you feel like getting some snacks for a bite in once awhile.

Figure 2.0

In this packet of mixed fruit candy, there are two different flavors, which is the lychee and pineapple. I prefer the pineapple flavor as it is a bit sour and sweet.

Fruits candy
Figure 3.0

The candy is in a square shape and it is a chewable type. So I would rather call it chewy fruits candy.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Thailand Mini Crispy Pancake

Thai Pancake
Figure 1.0

One of the famous Thai deserts that you should not miss out to try when you travel to Thailand is this crispy mini pancake. It is one of the Thai sweetmeats that I will never miss out whenever I travelled to Thailand. 

Mini Pancake
Figure 2.0

I could finish eating more than ten pieces of this mini Thai sweetmeat alone. The outer layer of the mini pancake tastes slightly similar to the Taiwan crepes. However, if you leave the pancake in the plastic bags for a longer period of time, the pancakes might become less crispy and it won’t taste that nice. The reason is because the heat accumulated in the plastic packet softens the crust of the crepes due to the humidity formed from the heat. Therefore, it is suggested to eat the pancake instantly and you could really taste the crispiness of the pancake.

Figure 3.0

You can find this crispy pancake along the street where they usually put it on a cooling rack. If I’m not wrong, this mini pancake is called “ka nom baung” in Thai language. Hence, next time when you travel to Thailand and you would like to save your time searching the stall selling this crispy pancake by your own way, perhaps you could probably ask the local people where you can buy “ka nom baung” and hopefully they could guide you the correct way.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Bordeaux Red Wine.

Red Wine
Figure 1.0

Sipping a glass of harmonious and complex red wine gave you the best moments, especially a bottle of Bordeaux Red Wine origin from France. Some even said that a moderate wine consumption could help to increase life expectancy with the ingredients contained in wine called resveratrol. 

Figure 2.0

Swirling on a glass of wine could makes you mesmerized by the wine’s flashing colours and makes you feel relaxed with its evocative aromas. Research also proved that a moderate consumption of wine could bring positive health benefits, but not for binge drinking. A moderate consumption of wine could lower the risk for cancer. 

Wine Cork
Figure 3.0

Wine Cork Stopper is a unique sealing material, which allows the wine to stay mature in the bottle.

I once heard of the saying said that, “making a good wine is a skill, while in order to make a fine wine is an art”.

From the photos above, actually I’m still wondering how to read on the numeric code written on the wine cork.  

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Mini Hot Dog

Figure 1.0

Home baked hot dog. It is baked in the oven for the supper in the midnight.  Hotdog is always the favourite for most kids and adults as well. For me, I would prefer the hotdog to be baked in this way or either grilled it, rather than fry the hotdog itself. The reason is because the fry hotdog sometimes is a bit oily, while I think baked the hotdog in the oven in this way is much more healthier.

Mini Hot Dog
Figure 2.0

It takes only 5 minutes to be baked in the oven. Although it looks simple, but once you tried it, I gonna guarantee you that you couldn’t resist how the original taste looks like. It tastes so nice when you dip the mini hotdog with chili sauce. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pink Rabbit Man Tou.

Figure 1.0

Pinky rabbit man tou on Rabbit Year 2012. Man tou was originally a steamed sweet bun from China. This small little cute rabbit man tou was specially made for the Rabbit Year 2012 celebration.