Sunday, March 17, 2013

Andes Chocolate Mints.

Andes Chocolate
Figure 1.0

Andes Chocolate Mints is my favourite chocolate bites. The small little rectangular chunks of chocolate which are wrapped in a piece of foil, and it formed in a bite-size. I love the mint flavour, especially with its rich chocolate taste and smooth texture that makes you couldn’t resist stop eating it. 

One of the funny moments when eating this rectangular small bite of chocolate is when you act like a God of Gambler unwraps the chocolate and biting on it. That is what you can see in the oldies God of Gambler movies, especially Chow Yun-Fatt’s movie. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Quenching my thirst with Big Gulp in 7-11 Thailand.

Figure 1.0

Walking into the 7-11 in Thailand, brings me instantly back to my childhood, where it reminds me when I was in elementary school, nearly everyday my friends or brothers and I would stop in the 7-11 convenience store for a cup of Slurpee or a Big Gulp to quench our thirst after our tiring class. The reason being why the Slurpee or Big Gulp is always our favourite because the drinks is refillable as long you are not moving out of the store. 

Quenching your thirst with a cup of cold Slurpee or Big Gulp on a very hot day in Thailand is nothing better than that.